Scott US Pony Express 2011 #23
Scott US Pony Express 2011 #23
Scott Pony Express Album Pages (double-sided): US Pony Express 2011 Supplement #23. A total of 18 pages on 9 sheets are included in this supplement. On page 5 for Scott 4497-4501 and Scott 4522-4523 we have shown the vertical se-tenant pair and allowed space on the page to mount the horizontal pair if that is preferred. On page 7 for Scott 4518-19, 4559-60, 4561-62 and 4563-64 we have shown the horizontal se-tenant pairs and allowed space on the page to mount the vertical pairs if that is preferred. On page 8 for Scott 4541-44 we have shown the se-tenant strip and allowed space on the page to mount the strip with the top and side selvage if that is preferred. On page 9 we have shown the se-tenant block of four for Scott 4548-51 and allowed space on the page to mount the horizontal strip of four. We also have shown the se-tenant strip of 5 for Scott 4553-57 and allowed space on the page to mount the strip with the top and side selvage if that is preferred.
Size: 9 x 11
Hole Punch: 3-Ring
Series: Pony Express